My Bugout Bag? What’s Inside and Why? Top Ten Things To Have In A BugOut Bag?

My Bugout Bag? What’s Inside and Why? Top Ten Things To Have In A BugOut Bag?

For many people, the idea of a bugout bag can be daunting. What do you put in it? What is the best way to pack it? Do I need to have one? The truth is that if you don’t know what goes into a bugout bag, then you should probably stop reading this article and start researching how to create one.

The purpose of this article is not to talk about all the items that should go into a bugout bag, but rather to talk about what should not go into your bugout bag.

I won’t tell you what goes into your bugout bag because every person has different needs and different ways of preparing for an emergency situation. But I will share with you some of my thoughts on what doesn’t belong in your bug out bag.

A bugout bag, also known as a grab bag or 72-hour kit, is a collection of supplies that allow someone to survive for up to three days in an emergency.


A bug out bag is a bag that contains the items one would require to survive for seventy-two hours, when evacuating from a disaster.

Some of the things that should be in your bugout bag are food, water, clothing, and first aid supplies. You should also include a map and compass to know where you are going. Your bugout bag should also have items like toiletries, hygiene products and medications.

My Bugout Bag Short List

A bug out bag is a bag that you keep stocked and ready to go at all times in case of an emergency. It should

A bugout bag is a bag that contains items that may be needed in the event of an emergency evacuation. The contents of the bag are typically determined by geographic location, such as for a person living near an earthquake-prone region.

The short list below is for someone who lives in a metropolitan area and has to evacuate with little notice.

1. Emergency Info: Keep copies of your emergency contact information, important medical information, and any other critical information you might need in your bugout bag.

2. Cash: Put at least $1000 cash, preferably more, in your bugout bag and keep it hidden from view if possible.

3. ID: Put copies of your driver’s license or other identification cards in your bugout bag so you can show them if necessary to get out of an evacuation zone or to get access to food or shelter after an emergency event.

4. Phone Charger: You may be without

The idea of a bugout bag is nothing new. In the event of an emergency, you need to be prepared and have your essentials ready to go. The bugout bag should be designed so that it can be used in any situation and should contain items that will help keep you alive.

My bugout bag short list contains:

– A water bottle for hydration

– A pair of binoculars for scouting out the area

– A compass to navigate by

– An emergency blanket for warmth and shelter

I have compiled a list of must-have items for your bugout bag. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it does cover the basics.

This is a must-have for any bugout bag, and it should be stored in the main compartment of your bag. This can be used to start fires in wet conditions or to boil water in an emergency situation.

I recommend storing this in the main compartment of your bugout bag, as it will be on hand when you need it most.

This should also be stored inside the main compartment of your bugout bag. It will provide you with an enhanced sense of security when you’re outdoors or away from home. You’ll also want to keep this on hand when you’re at home, as there’s always a chance that someone might break into your property while you’re away and try to steal something valuable from inside your house.

A bug out bag is a kit that is pre-packed and ready to go in case of an emergency. A bug out bag might be needed if there is a natural disaster, civil unrest, or other emergency.

It’s important to have the right supplies for your bug out bag so that you can survive for up to 72 hours. You should also customize your bug out bag based on the environment you live in and the number of people you need to take care of.

Bug Out Bag Short List: * Food – Pack non-perishable food items such as canned goods, protein bars, dried fruit, and nuts * Water – Pack water bottles or water purifying tablets * Clothing – Pack clothing appropriate for the season with extra layers * Shelter – Pack a tent or tarp along with warm sleeping bags * First Aid Kit – Pack first aid supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, antibiotic ointment, pain relie

My bugout bag short list is a list of items I would carry with me if I had to evacuate my home in an emergency.

The items on this list are not exhaustive, but they are the bare minimum that I would need to survive for up to three days. The goal is not to outfit myself for a long-term survival situation, but rather provide the essentials for my immediate needs.

I have chosen these items based on their versatility and how easy they are to transport in case I need to evacuate quickly.

Top Ten Things To Have In A BugOut Bag?

The bug out bag is a well-stocked bag that is designed for survival. It contains the necessary items for a person to survive when they are bugging out; hence the name.

A bug out bag should be able to provide you with enough supplies to last at least 72 hours, but ideally it should contain enough supplies to last up to two weeks.

The following list includes some of the things that you would want in your bug-out bag:

1) Water, 2) food, 3) shelter and warmth, 4) first aid kit and medications, 5) sanitation and hygiene items, 6) tools and weapons, 7) clothing and foot wear, 8) important documents like identification cards or passports or birth certificates or marriage certificates (if applicable), 9) maps of your area and surrounding areas (in case you need to evacuate), 10) cash

A bug out bag is a kit of items that may be carried by someone who might have to leave their home, quickly and unexpectedly, either due to a natural disaster or in the event of some other emergency.

The kit should provide everything needed to survive for 72 hours. It should be portable and easy to carry. The individual’s specific needs will dictate what type of supplies are required. This list is not exhaustive but it does include many items that you might want to include in your pack:

-Water (2 litres)

-Food (MREs)

-First Aid Kit


-Extra Clothing (include a change of underwear)

-Warm blanket or sleeping bag

-Matches or lighter and candles for starting fires

-Map of the area with local landmarks circled

Bug-out bags are designed to help people survive in emergencies. They are usually packed with items that can be used to provide basic necessities like food, water, a shelter, and clothing.

Some of the things you should have in your bug-out bag include:

-A map of the area

-Extra clothes

-Basic first aid kit



-Emergency blanket


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What Should A First Aid Kit Have In It When Fishing?

What Should A First Aid Kit Have In It When Fishing thebookongonefishing

A first aid kit should have the following items:

– bandages and gauze

– adhesive tape

– antiseptic wipes

– antibiotic ointment or cream

– eye drops

– sunscreen

– insect repellent

– pain reliever

– Safety pins

– Tweezers

– Sterile gauze pads

– Sterile water for irrigation

A first aid kit is a must have when you are fishing. It should have the basic supplies like bandages, painkillers, and antiseptic. A first aid kit is a must-have for anyone who goes fishing. It should be stocked with bandages, painkillers, and an antiseptic to help treat any injuries that may occur during your trip. A knife and a flashlight would be helpful too in case you run into trouble while on the water. A first aid kit is an essential part of the fishing gear. It should include items such as gauze, bandages, tape, and ointments.

Short List Of Fishing Equipment To Take?

1.Fishing License

2.Fishing Rod, Reel, and Line


4.Fishing Hat, Sunglasses, and Sunscreen

5.First Aid Kit


7.Fishing Cart, Caddy, or Backpack

Fishing Equipment And Product Reviews

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Helpful Links To Kayaks And More

1.Buyer Guide for Kayaks Paddles

I went shopping online at 4 different online stores to find the right paddle for my kayak.

The first store I went to was REI to get more infomation about buying the right paddle for my new kayak. There are a few thing to think about shift, blade, material and price, and last length. By choosing the right paddle you can save yourself a lot energy. Here is some information from REI:

Figuring out the right size (length) of paddle is surprisingly straightforward. The wider your boat is, the longer your paddle needs to be. Your height is also a factor, especially for a narrower boat: Taller paddlers need longer paddles.

To read the rest of the article: Buyer Guide for Kayaks Paddles

2.How to find a good kayak rental company?

I like traveling and trying new things. I have been to 20 different city this past month. I have enjoy good food, good weather, roof top bars, and the beach. I also have enjoy learning and listening to interesting people. There are different rental programs across the country at universities and colleges. I came a cross a program about the local University of North Florida (UNF), they offer “Gear Check-out & Adventure Trips.” The students can use the gear for free, for example, kayaks, canoing, and rock climbing.

The programs offered University of North Florida (UNF) allow students, staff and visitors to learn about team work in different environment. I like to see programs like that be very success like it is at our local university.

To read the rest of the article: How to find a good kayak rental company?

3.Kayak Buyers Guide

How to buy a kayak?

As I been writing this blog the past two weeks I have been shopping for a kayak. I went online to Dick’s sporting goods. I went to Walmart, Black Creek sporting goods store, and REI co-op.

Here is some information from each store, first Black Creek is more that you have to go into the store the online store does not have enough information to share online.

They do offer classes, rentals, certifications, and more….

To read the rest of the article Kayak Buyers Guide

Outdoor News

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Top Five Fishing Spots Searched

  1. Best Fishing Spots Near New York City, New York (Central Park)
  2. Best Fishing Spots Near Washington D.C.
  3. Best Fishing Spots Near Miami, Florida (Fishermans Channel)
  4. Best Fishing Spots Near Orlando, Fishing (Lake Toho)
  5. Best Fishing Spots Near Boston, Massachusetts (Boston Inner Harbor)
  1. Best Fishing Spots Near Destin, Florida (North Channel)
  2. Best Fishing Spots Near Vigo, Spain (World Edition)
  3. Best Fishing Spots Near Napoli, Sicily, Italy (World Edition)
  4. 11 Best Fishing Spots On Sicily, Italy (Ischia, Campania)
  5. Best Fishing Spots Near Corfu, Greece (World Edition)
  6. Best Fishing Spots Near Moscow, Russia (World Edition)
  7. Best Fishing Spots Near Cleveland, Ohio (Gordon Park and Doan Brook)
  8. Best Fishing Spots Near South Bass Island, Ohio (South Bass Island State Park)

Off Shore Fishing Top Spot

Off Shore Fishing Near Miami, Florida (And Other Fishing Spots)

Best Fishing Practices

Many anglers plan ahead and incorporate best fishing practices using tips to ensure safe and responsible angling. Thank you to or providing the following tips:.

Plan Ahead

Know your fishing regulations and have the necessary equipment ready to release fish that you do not plan to keep.


Develop fishing skills to target the size and species you desire. Change location, depth, or bait to avoid catching fish you do not intend to keep.

Appropriate Gear

Use appropriately sized gear that is targeted to the species you desire to catch. Use circle hooks when planning to release fish and where they are required.

Landing Fish

Do not play the fish to exhaustion. Use line strong enough to minimize playing time. Land the fish quickly and if possible, release them while still in the water.

Handling Fish

Use knotless, rubberized landing nets and rubberized gloves to avoid removing the slime layer from the fish’s body. Keep the fish horizontal and support the body. Avoid dropping the fish, especially onto hard surfaces. Use release tools, such as dehookers and recompression tools, to minimize handling. Release fish as soon as practical and do not keep them out of the water longer than necessary.

Additional Information: Fishing Maps that might be helpful for your next fishing trip.


To read more from this article: Top 10 Reasons to Go Fishing

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Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family!  Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on ThebookOnGoneFishing.

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