Social Community for The Book On Gone Fishing (Update)
I have taken down my social community for now, as over 90% of the accounts are fake. I will be starting it back up once I find a better way to keep fake accounts from being created for spamming. I believe those fake accounts are being controlled for and have no good intention but they do want to spread spam through my website that has nothing todo with the goals of my website or social community. If you are an owner of an account that is real please be aware we are coming up with better ways to weed out the bad apples (so to speak).
I only need real accounts on my social community so I can grow my website for good reasons. Reddit is a good example I would like to be like.
Hope this post was helpful to you and that you have a very successful trip fishing with your friends and family! Check out the other sections of my blog for more tips on ThebookOnGoneFishing.
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