Buying A Live-aboard Boat On A Shoestring Budget!

Buying A Live-aboard Boat On A Shoestring Budget!

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buying a live-aboard boat

$27.00 ONLY

 I’ll walk you through the essential steps to deciding which will be the right boat for you, how to go about fitting it out for comfort and safety AND how to do it all within your budget!

60 Day Guarantee

I’m so sure about the effectiveness of this advice that, YES, I am guaranteeing you will be pleased you made this purchase. I’m willing to let you try it for 60 days. In that time, I’d like you to put some of the advice into action and see what happens.

If you’re not entirely convinced that this information will help you achieve your dream of  achieving a live-aboard lifestyle then I don’t expect you to pay a single cent for it.

I’m offering this guarantee because I know hoe effective this information is. But, until  you see it  for yourself, you’ll never know what could have been.

Buying A Live-Aboard Boat On A Shoestring Budget
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Buying A Live-Aboard Boat On A Shoestring Budget

As lifestyles go, the live-aboard path can be one of the most rewarding there is – if you’re the right type of person for it.

But don’t let anybody tell you buying a live-aboard boat is easy! Living on a boat will kick your butt, especially if you are trying to do it on a shoestring budget! It will terrify you at times. You will question your sanity, and your friends and family will say you are on a suicide mission.

However, for the right person with determination and passion, it is a life truly lived.

The reality is that the picture in your head is far from the truth. It’s not all sunsets, bikinis and martinis on the deck. The weather will not always be picture perfect, you will have the worry of mechanical failures, slipping anchor in the middles of the night and finding the right employment to keep the dream alive. 

You need to learn a lot, work hard and plan to make your dream a reality. So, let’s look at the six most important points of consideration once you have decided to make this life change and buy your live-aboard boat.

1. What Type Of Live-Aboard Boat?

Are you thinking sail boat or motor-powered? To be a true live-aboard boat, you need to be able to live on board the boat all year round. You don’t need a flash million dollar vessel; there are many low-cost options available to meet your budget. Even the motor boat negates the need for hotels and housing expenses but your fuel will be an unexpected expense. If you decide to stay put and have a floating house, a marina is still a cheaper place to live than most land-based alternatives and you will be less concerned with speed and more concerned with headroom. The other consideration is power. Motor-boats have huge engines and alternators but you will need a solar/wind generator on a sailing boat.

2. What Are The Drawbacks?

You are responsible for your own waste. The internet is harder to access. Regular maintenance can be a drain on finances so researching sanding, anti-fouling and rigging costs is recommended. The luxury of doing laundry and cooking also need to be considered.

3. What Are Your Intentions?

Decide your goals. Are you going to be An Adventurer, A Day Explorer or A Stationery Mariner Sailor? This decision will dramatically affect exactly what sort of live aboard boat you need and how much you need to spend.

4. Necessities

The necessities of living on a boat do depend on the level of comfort you require, and how much the boat can carry. Do you need to store water? What are your cooking requirements? How will you generate electricity? Do you need insulation or air-conditioning? Communication and navigation equipment are essential. These are some of the necessities to consider when buying a live-aboard boat.

5. Where Do I Look To Buy The Perfect Live-Aboard Boat?

First thing to remember is that the asking price on second-hand boats is more of a suggestion than what the seller expects to be paid. Make an offer and spend the money of having a survey carried out! Find out the rules and regulation in your area of the world. Avoid problems by buying a live-aboard boat in the country where you intend to keep it. Watch Craigslist, join Facebook groups and scout around your local mariner.

6. How Much Do I Need?

Buying a live-aboard is the cheapest part of the venture. Keeping it is another battle and one you need to have planned for in advance. Within the first 12 months of ownership your main expenses are likely to be engine maintenance, insurance, painting, lifting, antifouling and sails if this is the way you choose to go, plus marina fees. So do your diligent research to avoid any surprises.


There are a lot of skills that need to be mastered, and that takes time and effort. But if you don’t start you will never live your dreams.

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